UBCA Book & Supply

An Unaffiliated Baptist Church Is...
Church. What is it? Defining church really boils down to who one asks. This tract literally "asks the Lord" to define what a church is - and concludes that the Lord is head over each true unaffiliated Baptist church.

Baptism's Administrator
Who should baptize? Can anyone baptize as long as they have the right mode? Is authority important in baptism? Answers to these and more are discovered from the Scripture this tract overviews.

Baptist Bridism Is What?
There is much discussion that surrounds the topic of a Baptist bride. What does it truly mean for one to declare they hold to a Baptist bride position? This tract delves into this much misunderstood topic.

I Have Believed, Now What?
Salvation is a beginning. Salvation is the first day of an entire lifetime of walking with the Lord. This tract is so very helpful in beginning to take those initial steps after salvation. A must-read for every new convert.

Infants Are Automatically Spiritually Safe
Some religions teach that infants who die are doomed spiritually - does the Bible agree? This tract explores the reality that God mercifully provides spiritual safety for infants.

Men Whom God Uses
What sort of man does God choose to use for His divine work? This tract explores a passage in Acts chapter 6 wherein the Lord shows what type of man He uses. There are some surprises in this study. A must read for ever man who desires for the Lord to so use him.

Principles of a Corporate Fast
Is fasting purely a personal and private opportunity for serving the Lord? Not really. This tract explores aspects of history recorded in Scripture wherein a corporate fast is greatly used by the Lord.

The Plan of Repentance: God's Way to Heaven
A tract on Salvation identifying the need for Repentance. As the Gospel is uniformly watered-down in our culture, this tract focuses on what repentance is all about and why it is still God’s Way To Heaven.

This is Amazing, Wouldn't You Agree?
A Gospel tract highlighting what faith is really all about. Faith that would put one’s life on the proverbial tight-wire. This tract is a must-have for every child of God to hand out to a soul in need of the Saviour.

Transmission and the King James Version of the Bible
Is the King James Bible really God's word? This tract explores not only the answer to this question, but it also enunciates the manner in which God used language of the King's English to transmit to us the exactness of the language God originally utilized to breath His word to mankind.