Dave Thompson

David Thompson was born in Mankato, Minnesota, in April of 1975. During tough times, his father found employment Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 1981. Sioux Falls has been his home ever since. After completing high school, he attended and graduated from Mitchell Technical Institute with a degree in Electrical Construction and Maintenance. He thought he was supposed to be an electrician.
In 1997, after the Lord confronted him of his sin, and after two weeks of conviction, he repented of his sin and received the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. If you asked him, he would tell you that this was the greatest event in his life and this was the event that placed him on a new path in life. The Lord changed his plans and began to direct his life, and he soon began attending Empire Baptist Temple and was baptized into the membership.
From that point, his life took on a new purpose and he became very involved in the local church where he was saved. Thinking he should leave the electrical industry in pursuit of the Lord, the Lord led him to start his own electrical contracting business as a means to supplement his income while serving the Lord. Though at the time he was not aware, this business endeavor was going to teach him many things that would help him and others in the work of the Lord in the years to come. In addition to personal spiritual growth, the business has been able to give employment to numerous Christian young men, and it has been a great blessing to the Lord's work. God has mightily blessed the business and it has since been turned over to a member of Empire Baptist Temple.
Throughout this journey, Bro. Thompson attended the Great Plains Baptist Divinity School where he earned a Bachelor of Theology degree as well as a Master of Divinity degree. He is currently one of the teachers at the Great Plains Baptist Divinity School.
In November of 2002, he met and married his beautiful wife, Deanna. The Lord has blessed them with four children: Luke, Cailyn, Emma and Madelyn whom they love dearly.
For 27 years Bro. Thompson has served the Lord at EBT in the role of Deacon, Mission's treasurer, overseeing Children's ministries, Chaplaincy, and currently he finds great joy serving the Lord as the Empire Baptist Academy Administrator and assistant to the Pastor. If he gets some free time, and isn't at the church, you could find him in the fall with a shotgun searching for pheasants, or trying to catch a walleye in the spring. Outside of his walk with the Lord, his greatest joy comes from sitting down with someone and walking them through the Bible sharing with them the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ!