The Doorstep Evangel Newspaper
The DoorStep Evangel is a bimonthly publication of the Empire Baptist Temple. It is freely distributed to Pastors and Missionaries as a ministry to encourage and edify men of God as they serve in this challenging age.
Archived here you will find a sampling of articles that have appeared in the DoorStep Evangel over the years.
Who Fights Jesus Christ and His Servants?
Dr. Ronald L. Tottingham
We are told in John 15:18 that the world which hated Him will hate God's servants also, and again we read in John 17:14, that the world hated them because they are not of the world. This world soon seeks to dispose of anything it can't assimilate into itself. We are even told in I John 4:5 that those of the world speaks of the world and the world hears them. We are to suppose then that the prophets which have an audience of this world do so because what they are saying is "worldly." This can be seen by application, in church messages and music which speak of the world to the world, and Christian education which educate children toward careers in the world or world career excellence. Oh my, where have we gone? Where are those who desire for their own - the Lord? Who seek and long that God would choose their offspring to fulfill His divine purpose and not wish for the offspring to seek for this world.
Who fights Jesus Christ and His servants? First, those with sedentary places and powers in a religious camp (denomination, association, fellowship or body of any associated kind). Those who become imbedded in their official places as overseers and facilitators of the camp's general purpose, mission, schooling, news means, etc. Soon the motion of the movement (natural growth of the camp slowly develops (evolve) a mechanics of "accomplishment of purpose," until a custom/tradition evolves of a mixing of "camp desire and legal regulation" blended into a "this is the way" until the original purpose becomes so incumbered by the machine which evolved to accomplish that purpose, that running the machinery management becomes so time and expense consuming that the original purpose is nearly forgotten. And any who would cry "revival of original purpose" would become hated. The enemies of Christ and His servants then become those who become the sedentary powers within an organizational camp structure. The hatred then centers around attempts to dismantle any part of the tradition built up around an original purpose, often originally grand and biblical.
As we cry "term limitations" for our national government due to this sedentaryism, we hear no such cry from any religious camps. The true and biblical answer then is to flee camps and return to the New Testament church under the control and headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the true biblical pattern, a true church (This editor believes it must be Historic Baptist and shepherded by a true man of God called to shepherd.
Who fights Jesus Christ and His servants? Second, those who gain of the crafts of a religious camp (denomination, association, fellowship, or body of any religious kind). Those who gain of the program supplies; lesson publishing; high day or special event gifts, decorations, uniform or promotional items; the camp necessities - promotionals, flags, banners, music; group activities and paraphernalia (youth, women, seniors, etc.); education, Vacation Bible School, summer camps, etc., etc., etc.!!
If a church wishes to edify according to the Word of God providing from within its own structure for that edification that alone becomes a trigger to hatred from those who stand to gain off the ministry. Especially, if there is a voice raised calling this "commercialization of the ministry" to repentance. But Jesus did when He cried for God's house to be known for its prayer and not money changing. Even Paul was persecuted when those commercializing Diana feared the effects of his preaching. Perhaps much "advertising" of Christian commercial items and ministries evangelistically commercialized to help God's churches function. VBS, Awana, Gothard, Numbers Gain Evangelism, etc. would die out of sound churches if we were to review our Bible for God's methods to achieve His purpose.