The Doorstep Evangel Newspaper
The DoorStep Evangel is a bimonthly publication of the Empire Baptist Temple. It is freely distributed to Pastors and Missionaries as a ministry to encourage and edify men of God as they serve in this challenging age.
Archived here you will find a sampling of articles that have appeared in the DoorStep Evangel over the years.
Thoughts Concerning Patriotism
Dr. Ronald L. Tottingham
Much debate has been heard in the U.S. concerning the grassroots and growing movement loosely known as a patriot movement. What is wrong with flag waving, motherhood and apple pie? That is the basic patriotism. The old original America, where a Biblical culture permeated our entire way of life. And along with that has been our national heritage of arming ourselves to keep our free way of life. And I for one, still hold to such truths, too. Let me give some of my thoughts on all this, and few thoughts of concern.
*Patriotism - Patriotism, as we think of it, generally means a movement back to a nation's original charter days. And most nations are born to some degree out of a rebirth from the ashes of the destruction of the generation before them.
As I see it, this national "patriot" movement in the U.S. will likely collect multitudes of true believers as it did in early American history and other national histories. At least until the rapture. Perhaps even the unsaved national patriots movement in this country will be generally found more on the side of Biblical Truth than on the Satanically motivated one-world government structure.
*Joining with the unregenerate - Then there is joining with the unregenerate or unsaved in patriotic movements. Both the organized and unorganized patriotism is American. However, some groups attract emotionally irrational people, which cause the need for some alarm. I've seen such issues as pro-life, tax protest, protest of Federalism, racial protest, etc., movements attract radical and sometimes volatile people. Those always wanting to fight something, and all the time stirring up every one else also to fight something or other constantly. Any militant-appearing movement will attract such, as did King David's group when he ran from King Saul as told in I Samuel. Even true unaffiliated Baptist churches will attract such UNsaved "Christians" who think that their own militantism is Christianity. Men should support all which is Biblically right. Even the Lord teaches support for those who are patriots in our original constitutional cause, upholding true righteousness and justice against evil. These are troubled days for our country and true men of God need to be exceptionally wise as serpents. I wish to support those who are patriots in the original constitutional, and Biblical sense, and would encourage militance to save those original foundations (doctrines) America was established upon. Foundations such as true honesty, integrity, decency, moral purity, honor, inward righteousness, love of one's neighbor, etc., However, a warning is in order to save America as though she were some nationalistic idol leaving off these foundations is not of God. If America, as a body of persons is saved it will be through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the establishing of true Baptist churches only.
*Reconstructionism - Reconstructionism is a concern because it and its disciples are infiltrating grassroots patriotism groups giving them "doctrine" and a spiritual idealism. Satan is tricky. This new (or neo) post-millennial reconstructionism is a heresy. Demonic infiltration of this doctrine seeks to use patriot movements for its "Christian" (?) reconstruction of America (actually the whole world). Its desire is to "Christianize" America using patriotism, makes it spiritually alarming.
*Conclusion - Where should true Bible-believing Baptists stand? Well, right now some watching, studying, and praying is needed. I suppose true unaffiliated Baptists will eventually be the enemies of both sides, BUT why am I not surprised? I am convinced that hard times are ahead, even prior to the pre-tribulation rapture, perhaps such as the saints in dark ages knew. How prepared are we?
Many brethren have enough to fear and live afraid to the point that it's "if we close our eyes it will all go away." It's our job as Baptists to be a"pillar and ground of the truth." I think some Pastors and Evangelists are even hirelings to the pulpits and if so the Lord has already said they will run when the wolf comes. And since these are only"hired" ministers they will see no issue in entangling churches into areas which better their ministerial careers.
These are my thoughts. I hope they're worth thinking about.